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Delivering A Global Carbon Emissions Reduction Program

CETS Playforce Independent Cooperative Workforce and Business Development Program Initiative

CUTTING EDGE TECHNO SOLUTIONS (CETS), PROTRAIN, and UBCTV have come together to create CETS’ Global Independent Cooperative Workforce and Business Development Program. The program is designed to inform, educate, and inspire participants in supporting Regional Smart Eco-Village Commodities Production and Trade hub development projects. These smart Eco-villages will be established within underserved communities on a decentralized net-zero waste-to-energy micro-grid platform, reducing the carbon footprint across its regional markets with each market spanning and serving a 90-mile radius.

We’re inviting cultural creatives, veterans, independent workers, unemployed, underemployed, and self-employed who are committed to environmental, personal and economic development to join our project implementation process.

Visit our website for more details: